Genesis Landscaping
597 Cynthia Court
Richmond Heights, OH 44143
216-381-9179 phone
480-219-5120 fax
The number one ingredient for a successful lawn and garden is water. Without providing the correct amount of water, your lawn and garden will never reach its fullest potential and flourish. Lack of water will cause the leaves of your plants to shrivel and weaken causing them to be more susceptible to insects and disease. Conversely, too much water will result in your plants starting to yellow and roots will rot. Genesis Landscaping, Inc. can help you with all your irrigation needs.
We can design and install a new sprinkler system to meet the requirements of your current property, or install a new system in conjunction with a total property renovation. We also have the ability to upgrade/expand an older existing system that you may have inherited with your home. We use industry leading products from suppliers such as Hunter®, Rainbird®, and Toro®, and install backflow preventers (which prevent unclean water from backing into your home's water supply). Also, we offer rain gauge installation which shuts down your system after a rainfall, preventing over-watering and saving you money. For our larger projects, we will subcontract with a well-established irrigation company, as this will also save you time and money relative to your project.
To ensure that your system is operating properly from the start of each season, we will run a test of all sprinkler "zones" to check and adjust each head for proper spray coverage and ensure there are no leaks in the lines. We will also set the timer to provide the correct amount of water for the weather conditions at that time. (Adjustments are usually needed throughout the season) This is also the time that we would repair any broken lines and spray heads (billed on a time and materials basis).
Before the arrival of winter, it is wise to prevent costly freeze damage by having our experienced professionals come to your home and shut down your system. This involves blowing compressed air through all the lines of your sprinkler system, removing all water from the lines and each individual spray head/nozzle.
Please contact us today with any questions, or if you would like us to provide you with a free estimate/consultation.